It’s been a while since I updated my blog, I’ve been busy with university – coming to the end of the first semester. I’m studying Computing Science: Web Development, a four year course (including a years work placement in the third year). I’m living in halls at Staffordshire University, the Stafford campus. I have a small […]
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Interview with Nick Palmer

I recently had the chance to catch up with my friend Nick Palmer, the guy responsible for Palmnet. He’s recently launched Palmnet CodeBox, an online service allowing users all over the world to collaborate on code snippets. I’ve been given the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes and find out about CodeBox and […]
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Evolution After working with Nick, on several joint projects, we have decided to create a new brand for our products/services. Recently launched, our Evolution Blog will document the design and development of current and future projects. is an editable collection of random, mostly useless articles on how to use simple items. The original […]
Read MoreCode-a-thon
The setup of equipment was pretty painless, the most frustration was caused by the lack of an internet connection! After some investigation, we rang the Tiscalli technical support line, who kindly informed us, the service in our area was currently down for maintenance. Since finishing, connectivity has been restored! 😐 Without the internet, our code-a-thon […]
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So finally I’ve gotten round to blogging our crazy event! The basic motivation behind the 24 hour coding extravaganza is to finally get some work done! Nick and I are always planning new projects which never seem to take off, maybe because we are serial procrastinators (or at least I am)! 😀 From Thursday 31st […]
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