Finished my last exam this morning, we get the results on Thursday 16th of August 🙂 I need two Ds and a C (or the equivalent combinations) to get into Staffordshire Universities Internet Technology course I’ve applied for. Hopefully, regardless of my total lack of revision in some subjects I will be able to achieve this!

On another note, It didn’t really deserve a post of its own, I bought an MP3 player a couple of weeks ago, originally I chose a Philips, but Amazon’s estimated delivery time put me off, so I cancelled and ordered the SanDisk Sansa instead.


It’s only the 2 GB model but I’ve bumped it up to 3 using the microSD slot and the card I bought for my phone a while back… but never used as it only worked intermittently. The Sansa is much smaller than my PDA so hopefully I’ll use it more often.